Linux and Shell Programming

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Module 7 Redirection, Pipes and Tee Command


Linux Pipes

Linux Pipes

In Linux, a pipe (|) is a powerful feature that allows you to take the output of one command and use it as the input for another. It enables the seamless combination of multiple commands to perform complex tasks.

Basic Syntax:

command1 | command2


Let’s say you want to list all the files in a directory and then search for a specific file in the list:

ls | grep filename

This example uses the ls command to list files and the grep command to search for a specific file in the output of ls.

Multiple Pipes:

You can chain multiple commands together using pipes to create more complex workflows. For example:

command1 | command2 | command3

Combining with Redirection:

Pipes can be combined with redirection for even more flexibility. For instance:

command1 | command2 > output.txt

This example takes the output of command1, pipes it into command2, and then redirects the combined output to a file named output.txt.

Use Cases:

  • Filtering and searching through data.
  • Combining the functionality of multiple commands.
  • Building complex data processing pipelines.

Understanding and effectively using pipes is a key skill for command-line efficiency in Linux.